At What Point Should You Turn Your Investment Portfolio Over To A Professional?

22 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

With the exception of those who inherit a sum of money or win the lottery at a young age, most investors start small, putting aside a portion of each paycheck and increasing this amount over time and with pay increases. When you're just starting out, you may not feel the amount of your investment portfolio justifies the services of a professional wealth manager or investment adviser. However, at some point, your do-it-yourself approach to investing may begin to cost you -- you could find yourself making tax blunders or investing your funds at precisely the wrong time, diminishing your investment returns over time. Read More 

Two Things To Remember When Completing FAFSA

8 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

You spent years considering what college you wanted to attend, and you've even given careful consideration on what you will major in. You thought you had everything together until you started to research tuition, room and board and other education costs. Now you have to tackle the issue of how you're going to pay for your education. If your family is unable to cover these costs for you, completing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, is likely your next step. Read More 

Learning about Private Equity in High School

27 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

High school finance classes are a great way to learn about the world of investments. If you're learning about the stock market and how to invest your money, you may also be learning about private equity. What exactly is private equity? Put simply, private equity is a group of alternative forms of investing. There are many alternative forms of investments. Here are three of the most common types. Leveraged Buyouts Read More 

Fixed Income Investments For Your Retirement Portfolio

21 April 2015
 Categories: , Blog

When saving for your retirement, it is vital to have the right allocation of variable investments, such as stocks, and fixed income investments. Fixed income investments are those that have a specified return for a certain length of time. Financial advisers recommend increasing the percentage of fixed income investments in your portfolio as you near retirement. A general rule is to subtract your age from 110 or 120 to get an approximate percentage of how much of your portfolio should be in fixed income investments. Read More 

Dog Gone! How To Relocate To Ecuador With A Beloved Family Dog

9 April 2015
 Categories: , Blog

In the United States, over nine in ten people consider their dogs to be members of the family. When Americans choose to relocate to other countries, it is no secret that the transition's impact on the family dog is an extremely important matter. If you are buying international property for yourself and your dog, or to market to Americans, you will be considerably more successful if you know the ins and outs of that country's stance on dogs. Read More